Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Building a Toy Car in SolidWorks 2010 Youtube Video

According to my favorite computational engine, it been a little over 8 months since I posted this video on my youtube channel.  It is my first solidworks-related video and as you can see, I chose a minimalist route both work wise and video wise.

I will go ahead and call myself a Bum for being so lazy and just making an extrude for the body.  I received a bit of criticism regarding that bit by a few so for my next car video I made some upgrades.  We will talk about those at a later time but for now let's see this toy concept after the break.

At this time it has a humble 6000 views. Here it is:

Sure, I took a simple approach and then bailed out on commenting about what I was doing or even talking at all.  I just put on a cool track, sped up the video and clipped any dead space between operations.  I made the car thinking more along the lines of the typical person who would turn to youtube to learn a few tips about SolidWorks, and in a way also it was made by the typical person that is trying to learn how to make cool things for youtube.

In my defense I will say that the SW recorder can be a huge pain in the ass to work with. If you get in the groove, you may be able to work a good amount of time but when the recorder gets buggy.... oh lawdd.  Here are some of the things the recorder has done to me:

-Completely crash SW when first starting recording. LOL.
-Record fine but then crash unexpectedly. TYPICAL.
-Crash and Burn entire OS.  LMFAO

Okay, don't get me wrong.  The SW recorder is a great communication tool and it is generally used for communicating between teams using small fly through videos or motion control animations for visualization purposes and for proofing design intent.  I'll tell you what, it definitely beats waving your arms in the air while explaining what you're trying to say...

Here's the last thing I have to say about this video.  I hope that at least one of the 6000 people learned one tiny little thing about SolidWorks.  If only 1 person learned, then in my opinion it was all worth it.

Lastly, I find it hilarious that WolframAlpha would mind telling me that Prince William and Kate Middleton got married as a 'notable event' between today and January.   

Nice try Wolfie, nice try.

Here's the rest of the Screenshots for the Car.


Until next time.

Antonio Suarez
Industrial Designer