Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cubify 3D Printer (Pics + Video)

WARNING: There will be a lot of Neon Green in this post.

I've been out of the Blogging game for a long time.  Haven't posted here in a while but now I come back with a bang, and by bang I really mean, the new Cubify 3D Printer by 3D Systems.  All the parts shown here are neon green because it is the color that the printer comes with, and I wanted to use it for testing.  Secondly, all the parts printed are original designs made in SolidWorks 2012 (except the skull, which I downloaded in STL format from GrabCad).

My "In Progress Picture" addiction started with this picture.

Let's cut to the chase and post the Video of the Cubey in action.

Completed part, fresh out of the Cube still attached to the Platen with the "Magic Cube Glue"


Sweet Touchscreen

Work Surface

My background with 3D printers:

I started 3D printing over 10 years ago.  My first print was made in a Z Corp machine that used plaster for building and a sugar-based binder.  Over the years I prototyped parts in a plethora of machines ranging from Stratasys, Objet, DSM and many others.  Over time I learned why each machine was selected carefully for each specific application, and the strengths vs. weaknesses of each one.

With this acquisition I am venturing into the world of practical building of fresh-designed custom parts.  I will be bringing you, the reader much more in the next few months.

There is no feeling like the one of printing something you thought up mere hours ago.

Until next time,

Antonio Suarez
Industrial Designer