Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Mighty Phiculator

What's that a calculator?

No it's a Phiculator.


Yeah, as in Phi, 1.618, Fibonacci, The Golden Mean, The Golden Rule... yadda yadda yadda

*draws blank*

If you know what this is about then I invite you to just get your ass on over to James Mellers' website and get your free copy of this awesomely functional utility.

If you aren't quite sure what this is for and how you can apply it to your work, watch this:

There are countless more videos showing examples where 1.618 shows its face.   And with good reason, the divine proportion is indeed divine.

Sadly, I cannot tell you when to use the phiculator, nor why use the phiculator.  You can find detailed instructions on how to operate its functions, however it will be up to you, the Designer to figure out when to reduce or enlarge your ratios using this tool.

Get your Phiculator here:

Until next time,

Antonio Suarez
Industrial Designer